The Last of Us™ Nephalem Rift:

Get ready to endure and survive! We've teamed up with Naughty Dog to create a unique Nephalem Rift for the Ultimate Evil Edition inspired by the award-winning PlayStation® 3 title, The Last of Us™. Featuring hand-picked environments from the Diablo III universe and an ominous yellow spore effect, this randomized dungeon level (available only on PS3™ or PS4™) is sure to awaken the survivor in us all. Oh! And did we mention the monsters? The Last of Us™ Nephalem Rift is teeming with a series of ravenous creatures modeled after the infamous Stalker, Clicker, and Bloater infected.
Shadow of the Colossus™ Transmog Set:

Raise thy sword by the Light! In addition to The Last of Us™ Nephalem Rift, the Ultimate Evil Edition will also include a PlayStation® exclusive that pays homage to a gaming classic. Players who choose to join the crusade against death on the PS3™ or PS4™ will be rewarded with the "Guise of the Colossi," a unique set of transmogrification plans that unlocks six armor appearances inspired by the influential PlayStation®2 title, Shadow of the Colossus™. These striking appearances will be available to each of Sanctuary's larger-than-life classes.